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Lynn Peters,
Owner/Managing Editor
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Television, movies and Hollywood have really brainwashed us into thinking we know how to handle a lot of serious situations. Unfortunately for some people, that is not always true. Take drowning for example. How many movies and television shows have we seen where someone is in a lake, pool or at the beach and they are flailing their arms and splashing and yelling for help because they are drowning. We have seen this so many times that we believe this is what happens. Nothing could be farther from the truth! The article on page 6 was written by Mario Vittone and I saw it on Facebook. This is vital information that needs to be known. The quieter the person in the water is, the more in danger of drowning they are. Children have drowned within 10 feet of their parents because they were so quiet and the parents didn’t notice the silence. In searching for a video to go with this issue I thought how awesome it would be if I could find a video with Mario Vittone (the man who wrote the article) explaining signs of someone drowning… and I did! Check it out and always be within an arm’s length of your children or grandchildren when swimming. God bless you all, Lynn